Ok I have been away for a long while (been working and I am getting no feedback from anyone and therefore I thougth nobody was even looking here. But I have now seen that I do have traffic therefor I shall once again begin updating this page. Big Updates there was no Vegas Party (shame oh shame) so as always the elusive Darkthorne will stay cloaked in shadows nobody knowing for certain if I really am who I appear to be. I am starting to look into a general redesign for the Dark Gallery itself so if there is anyone out there who would have any ideas send them my way (backgrounds too would be great). I will be closing down sections of the page soon as I dont think anyone is using them at all (and if you do like something and dont want to see it go then E-mail me and tell me!). I also want to open a new section so if you have any ideas send them my way too.
Thanks -- Darkthorne



VEGAS PARTY 2000 CLOSED (maybe 2001)

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